Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's Been a Long Journey....................

but I think I am finally there.
After doing several 360's, revisiting a variety of techniques and mediums, the visions that have been dancing in my head but eluding my hands have come into reality.
Tonight I am feeling a sense creative satisfaction that I have not felt in a long time. I have been struggling with what I wanted to do and being able to achieve it ~ to the point that at times I was so distracted that I was unable to create!! I am now settled on using polymer clay over a foil armature for the head, creating my own polymer clay eyes rather than painting them onto the doll, a cloth body and polymer clay limbs that are jointed at the shoulders/hips and elbows/knees.
The first 2 girls have come to life this weekend
I have coloured their faces tonight and made the caps for their wigs, but the light was too dull to photograph. They are looking divine with their faces on!!
I have been desperate to learn felting to incorporate into the costuming of the dolls and last Thursday night I had the opportunity to work with a local felter ~ OMG it is the best technique and totally addictive. Yesterday I pulled out some bits and pieces and made my first piece of felt:
This piece will feature in the costume of one of the dolls above.

Hopefully I am now resuming normal programming................................
